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[尾形 健明] [産学官民連携のための研究者総覧へ] [TOPへ戻る]


尾形 健明(OGATA Tateaki)
   1948年生 /教授 【磁気共鳴化学,生体計測化学,無機化学】
連絡先:電話(0238)26-3135[FAX兼] FAX(0238)26-3135 E-Mail:ogata@yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp
○研究テーマ: (1)動植物内フリーラジカルのin vivo計測用電子スピン共鳴(ESR)法の開発を行い,生体内におけるフリーラジカルの検出とCT画像計測から反応機構および生体機能解明を試みる。 (2)抗酸化剤によるスーパーオキシド,ヒドロキシルラジカル,一重項酸素などの活性酸素の消去活性機能を評価するためのESRスピントラップ法を開発し,種々の食材の抗酸化機能を評価する。 (3)炭素材料などの素材の機能評価のため,内在性フリーラジカルをプローブとするESR法により,フリーラジカル挙動を解析する。 (4)フィールドワーク対応のポータブルESR装置の開発を行い,環境中のフリーラジカル挙動を解析する。
○主な授業科目: 無機化学U,生物無機化学(工学部),生物無機化学特論,磁気共鳴計測特論(理工学研究科)
○学会・社会活動等: 日本化学会,日本分析化学会,日本農芸化学会,環境科学会,日本フリーラジカル学会,電子スピンサイエンス学会
ESR spatiotemporal measurement by using the rapid field scan L-band ESR-CT system for determination of rate constants of nitroxide radical reduction, (共著),Anal. Sci., 13(2), 269-272 (1997)(1997)
In vivo ESR analysis of nitroxide radicals injected into a rat by a flexible surface-coil-type resonator as as endoscope- or a stethoscope-like device(共著),MAGMA, 5, 99-104 (1997)(1997)
Temporal brain imaging by a rapid scan ESR-CT system in rats receiving intraperitoneal injection of a methyl ester nitroxide radical(共著),Magn. Reson. Imag., 15(9), 1079-1084 (1997)(1997)
Surface-coil-type resonators for in vivo temporal ESR measurements in different organs of nitroxide-treated rats(共著),Appl. Magn. Reson., 18, 575-582 (2000)(2000)
Determination of superoxide scavenging activity of a sample containing xanthine oxidase inhibitor by ESR spin trapping(共著),Anal. Sci., 16, 1029-1032 (2000)(2000)
In vivo ESR study on hepatic reduction of a nitroxide radical after administration of glucose in rats(共著),Life, 51, 45-48 (2001)(2001)
Syntheses of Water-solble Endoperoxides as a Singlet Oxygen Source(共著),ITE Letters, 2, 98-101 (2001)(2001)
Automatic Coupling Crontrol of a Loop-Gap Resonator by a Variable Capacitor Attached Coupling Coil for EPR Measurements ant 650 MHz(共著),J. Magn. Reson., 149, 29-35 (2001)(2001)
Superoxide scavenging activity of sixty Chinese medicines determined by ESR spin-trapping method using electrogenerated superoxide(共著),Yakugaku Zasshi, 121, 265-270 (2001)(2001)
ESR Imaging on a Solid-tumor-bearing Mouse Using Spin-labeled Dextran(共著),Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 65, 787-794 (2001)(2001)
Determination of Absolute Concentration of Nitoxide Radical by Radio-Frequecy EPR Imaging(共著),Appl. Magn. Reson., 20, 257-263 (2001) (2001)
ZnO Marker for a Radio Frequency ESR Spectrometer(共著),Chem. Lett., 2001, 928-929(2001)
Influence of lens effect in a sample with large dielectric constant in a loop-gap resonator on EPR signal intensity at 700 MHz(共著),Appl. Magn. Reson., 21, 97-103 (2001)(2001)
ESR-CT measurement on mice using long-life radicals(共著),Anal. Sci., 17 Supplement, i1423-i1425 (2001)(2002)
Quantitative Measurement of Nitroxyl Radical in a Rat Head and a Mouse by Using an In Vivo ESR Imaging system(共著),Anal. Sci., 17 Supplement, i1433-i1435 (2001)(2002)
Reversible potentials of reduction and oxidation processes on the novel spin probe TAM in an aqueous solution(共著),ITE Lett., 3, 351-352 (2002)(2002)
Preparation of SnO2 thin films by the oxidative-soak-coating method(共著),J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 21, 1241-1243 (2002)(2002)
Local pharmacokinetic analysis of a stable spin probe in mice by in vivo L-band ESR with surface-coil-type resonators(共著),Free Radical Research, 36 (10), 1115-1125 (2002)(2002)
Nondestructive Real-Time Monitoring of the Redox Status in a Potted Plant by Using a Surface-Coil-Type ESR Resonator(共著),Chem. Lett., 2001, 1122-1123(2002)
Development of resonator for an ESR/NMR hybirid imaging system(共著),Jpn. J. Med. Phys., 23(4), 75-81 (2003).(2003)
Open-type EPR spectrometer to measure electron spins of a sample located outside a resonator(共著),Appl. Magn. Reson., 25, 55-63(2003)
Direct observation of the redox states of frozen cherry buds by a unique in vivo ESR(共著),Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 310, 72-77(2003)
Evaluation of the hepatic reduction of a nitroxide radical in rats receiving ascorbic acid, glutathione or ascorbic acid oxidase by in vivo electron spin resonance study(共著),J. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 19, 99-105(2004)
Nondestructive monitoring of the nitroxyl radical reduction in Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) egg using in vivo ESR technique(共著),ITE Lett., 5(1), 53-55 (2004)(2004)
Effects of transition metal ions on the oxidation of a redox-probing agent (HTIO) in aqueous solutions(共著),ITE Lett., 5(3), 276-278 (2004)(2004)
A drastic redox response in plants by environmental stress observed through a novel spin probe(共著),ITE Letters, 5(5), 492-495 (2004)(2004)