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仁科辰夫教授 最終講義 2023.3.17 米沢キャンパス中示A


■ 山形大学図書館へ

図書館トップ 中央図書館 医学部分館 工学部分館 農学部分館 現在時刻:2024/04/26 14:12:11
149Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Divis
151Zeitschrift f氿r Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuchtung
153Forst und JagdMinisterium f氿r Landwirschaft, Erfassung und Forstwirtschaft
154Br氿cke und Strasse
157Schweizerische Wasser- und Energiewirtschaft
158Yearbook of forest productsFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture/Organization de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion
159Yearbook of forest products statisticsUnited Nations. Organization for Food and Agriculture
160Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division
161Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of the Air Transport Division
163Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure
164Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. Neue Folge
167JournalAmerican Water Works Association
168Pulp and paper magazine of Canada
173Tropical agriculture research series : proceedings of a symposium on tropical agriculture researchesAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
175Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center
176American journal of agricultural economicsAmerican Agricultural Economics Association
177The American journal of economics and sociology
178Econometrica : journal of the Econometric SocietyEconometric Society
180Accounts of chemical research
185Advances in enzymology and related areas of molecular biology
188Agricultural and biological chemistry
189Agronomy journalAmerican Society of Agronomy
190Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
191Allgemeine Forstzeitung
192American forests : the magazine of forests, soil, water, wildlife, and outdoor recreation
194Animal production : journal of the British Society of Animal Production
196Annual review of biochemistry
197Annual review of entomology
198Annual review of microbiology
199Annual review of phytopathology
200Annual review of plant physiology
203Australian journal of botanyCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organizaton
208The British journal of nutritionthe Nutrition Society
209The British journal of nutritionthe Nutrition Society
210The British journal of nutritionthe Nutrition Society
211The British journal of nutritionthe Nutrition Society
213Canadian journal of botany
219American journal of botanyBotanical Society of America
221The Annals of statistics : an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical StatisticsInstitute of Mathematical Statistics
222Berichte 氿ber Landwirtschaft. Neue FolgeReichsministerium f氿r Ern槢hrung und Landwirtschaft
224Agricultural and forest meteorology
226ASAE standards : standards, enginnering practices and data adopted by the American Society of Agricultural EngineersAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers
228Advances in plant nutrition
229Advances in food and nutrition research
233栁sterreichische Forstzeitung
234Annual review of nutrition
235Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology
236Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences
237Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences
238Australian journal of biological sciences
239Australian journal of plant physiologyCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
240The Biochemical journalBiochemical Society
242Communications in soil science and plant analysis
246The Journal of economic history
250Der Forst- und Holzwirt
251Der Forst- und Holzwirt
252Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt : Zeitschrift f氿r die Ver櫢ffentlichungen der forstlichen Forschungsanstalt M氿nchen
253The Geological magazine, or, Monthly journal of geology.Whole series
254Geotechnique : the international journal of soil mechanicsthe Institution of Civil Engineers
255Grundlagen der Landtechnik
258Horticultural abstracts : complied from world literature on temperate and tropical fruits, vegetables, ornamentals plantation cropsCommonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
259La Houille blanche : Revue de L'Ingenieur hydraulicien
260Journal of agricultural engineering research
261Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAmerican Chemical Society
262Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceAmerican Society for Horticultural Science
263The Journal of animal ecology
264Journal of animal science
265Journal of animal science
266Journal of animal science
267Journal of bacteriology
268The Journal of biochemistry
269Journal of chemical engineering of Japan
270Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions 1 : organic and bio-organic chemistry
271Journal of dairy science
272Journal of ecologyThe British Ecological Society
273Journal of food biochemistry
274Journal of food science
275Journal of food science
276Journal of forestrySociety of American Foresters
277Journal of general and applied microbiology
278Journal of general and applied microbiology
279The Journal of heredity
280Journal of horticultural science
281Journal of hydrology
282Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids
283The Journal of organic chemistry
284Journal of the science of food and agriculture
285The Journal of soil science
286Journal of soil and water conservationthe Soil Conservation Society of America
287Forstarchiv : Zeitschrift f氿r Wissenschaftlichen und Technischen Fortschrift in der Forstwirtschaft
288Food technology : official publication of the Institute of Food TechnologistsInstitute of Food Technologists
289Journal of economic entomology : Official organ of the association of economic entomologistsAmerican Association of Economic Entomologists
290Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
291The Journal of biological chemistry
292Land economics : a quarterly journal of planning, housing & public utilities
293Euphytica : Netherlands journal of plant breeding
294Field crops research : an international journal
295Forest products abstracts
296Horticultural reviewsAmerican Society of Horticultural Sciences
297The Japanese journal of geneticsGenetics Society of Japan
298Journal of fermentation and bioengineering
299Journal of nutritionAmerican Institute of Nutrition
300Journal of nutritionAmerican Institute of Nutrition
301Journal of plant physiology
302Journal of wood chemistry and technology
304Quarterly journal of economicsHarvard University
307Periodicum biologorumCroatian Society of Natural Sciences
308Physiologia plantarumSocietas Physiologiae Plantarum, Scandinavica
310Phytomorphology : an international journal of plant morphology
320Journal of geotechnical engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
321Journal of transportation engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. Transportation Engineering Division
322Journal of professional issues in engineering
323Pulp and paper Canada
325New phytologist : British botanical journal
327Journal of computing in civil engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Technical Council on Computer Practices
328Journal of cold regions engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering
329Journal of aerospace engineering
330Photosynthetica : International journal for photosynthesis researchInstitute of Experimental Botany, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
331Physiological and molecular plant pathology : an international journal of experimental plant pathology
332Physiological and molecular plant pathology : an international journal of experimental plant pathology
334Journal of construction engineering and management
335Journal of energy engineering
336Journal of engineering mechanicsAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. Engineering Mechanics Division
337Journal of environmental engineering
338Journal of hydraulic engineering
339Journal of irrigation and drainage engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
340Journal of materials in civil engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Materials Engineering Division
341Journal of performance of constructed facilitiesAmerican Society of Civil Engineering, Technical Council on Forensic Engineering
342Journal of management in engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Engineering Management Division
343Journal of structural engineering
344Journal of surveying engineering
345Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of Technical Topics on Civil Engineers
346Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of the Urban Planning and Development DivisionAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
347Journal of urban planning and development
348Journal of water resources planning and managementAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. Water Resourc
349Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Division
350Reproduction, fertility, and development
351Recent advances in animal nutrition
352World agricultural economics and rural sociology abstracts
353Unasylva : A review of forestry and forest productsFood and Agriculture Organization of United Nation
357Soil science and plant nutritionthe Society of the Science of Soil and Manure, Japan
358Soil Science Society of America journal
363Wasser und Boden
364Water resources researchAmerican Geophysical Union
366Tappi journal
367Scientia horticulturaeInternational Society for Horticultural Science
369Statistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
370Weed science : Journal of the Weed Science Society of America
371Weed technology : a journal of the Weed Science Society of America
372Zeitschrift f氿r Pflanzenern槢hrung und Bodenkunde
376Forest products journal
377Journal of experimental botany
379Svensk papperstidning : Swedish paperjournal
380Agricultural economics : the journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economists
381The Agricultural engineer
382Annual reportEast Malling Research Station
383Australian journal of soil research
384Canadian agricultural engineering
385Canadian journal of soil scienceAgricultural Institute of Canada
386Cell structure and function
387Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Canada
388Forest industries
390Journal of pulp and paper science : transactions of the Technical Section
391Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
392Quarterly journal of forestry
393Researches on population ecologythe Society of Population Ecology
397Japan forumBritish Association for Japanese Studies
398Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice
399Journal of hydraulic research
400Journal of hydraulic research
402Journal of reproduction and fertility
466UNIX MAGAZINE株式会社アスキー
484Plant Growth RegulationKluwer academic Publishers
491Journal of Plant Growth RegulationIPGSA and PGRSA
495European Journal of Soil Science
501Jounal of Global Environment Engineering社団法人 土木学会
502Journal of PhytopathologyPaul Parey Scientific Publishers
505ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture社団法人日本造園学会
506ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture社団法人日本造園学会
508Practice Periodical on Structural Design and ConstructionAmerican Society of Civi Engineers
509Journal of Hydrologic EngineeringAmerican Sciety of Civil Engineers
510Journal of Bridge EngineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
913Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture. Series B, agriculture and biology大阪府立大学
938Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University鳥取大学農学部
958Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University鹿児島大学農学部
1346生研時報 : Seiken zihou木原生物学研究所
1395Fuji Film research & development富士写真フイルム株式会社
1514Annual reportInstitute for Fermentation
1515Journal of farm economicsAmerican Farm Economic Association